Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy Holidays happy training!

This time of the year can mean tough times for a lot of you out there. The weather changing to colder climate, holiday pressures and stress are totally normal for this time of year. No wonder the term "holiday blues" which is all the more reason why you should blow all that steam and work extra hard to make that extra time for yourself. Keep in mind you deserve that "me time" so that you can stay a bit more together for the holidays. Remember this formula endorphins = awesomeness.
If you are not a member of a gym or have a hard time commuting in the cold to one you can still stay active by doing some good ole classic workout videos at home. Jane Fonda works guys! My personal favorite is Jackie Warner. Maybe even invest in some home equipment that you can use year round. A pair of dumbbells, pull up bar, a couple workout dvd's and/or a jump rope are a great addition. We are so lucky to have all that is available right in our finger tips. Many trainers, including myself, make house calls. There are great channels on cable you can find that have exercise classes or even do yoga. For those of you that live in walk ups or buildings with stairs- use them! talk about great cardio source. And if you feel you are too unconditioned or uncoordinated to use stairs in speedy fashion for cardio you can still use them - just go slow but stay active.
There's a lot of damage you can do to your training in just a few days of bad eating and inactivity. Look out for healthier options and modifications to holiday classics. Instead of mashed potatoes why not try some mashed up cauliflower for example?
check out this healthy alternative:

Cauliflower Mash [serves 8]


2 heads of cauliflower
2 Tbs. tofu cream cheese
1 ½ tsp. minced garlic (optional)
3 Tbs. Earth Balance butter
1 cup light soy milk
1 cup grated veggie cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Steam the heads of cauliflower until soft.
Put in a food processor and puree.
Add the cream cheese, soy milk, garlic, butter, and cheese and puree until smooth and creamy.

Stay strong and active so you can survive the holidays without breaking a sweat and with a smile!
Give training sessions to a loved one for xmas!
Happy Holidays & feel free to contact me directly for holiday specials at :

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